
Showing posts from April, 2017

To Basic Step to NoSQL (with MongoDB)

This article is written to Introduce to a kind of new database type which means NoSql Databases. I hope this will help peoples who familier with SQL databases and not familier with NoSql databases. What is NoSQL Database. In simple, these kind of Databases are not use SQL (Structured Query Language) for database operations. In usual SQL databases, data is stored in table structure. To make db operations, we use SQL language Ex:         SELECT * FROM Users; I'm not going to describe more about SQL Databases. You can refer this to learn about SQL So NoSQL Databases use JSON documents, Tree structures, Graphs like things. Here I will use Mongo DB. You can make database operations in Mongo DB using methods. Mongo DB Mongo DB is a one of commonly used NoSQL database in now a days. It was initially released in 2009. It was written C++. It runs in multiple platforms. And it is compleately free. MongoDB has items called collections which similer...

Simple Web Application With Node JS and Angular JS

Today, my tutorial is more related to practical than theoretical. I going to show you how to develop simple application using angular JS and Node JS with Rest Api. In this project, I will store some details of a car in Node JS variable and using rest api, I will show that data in a web browser. I use JSON objects for retrieving data form server to client. This is the summary of my tasks. Implement NodeJS application in server side Store details of car (carName: Nissan 370z, makeYear:2015, topSpeed: 155 mph) in nodeJS variable. Implement simple web interface with HTML. It contain 3 text boxes to display details of car. and a button to request information from server. Implement Angular JS in Client side to retrieve infromation from server.  Lets start with server side nodeJS. I will use Jetbrains WebStorm IDE to implement this app. First create a blank project. I will create a Project Named "Simple NodeJS Angular JS". Then add a javascript file named server.js to project. Then ...

Java Spring boot framework

Spring Boot  Here, We will discuss about java spring boot framework. Its widely used web framework where can be easily develop java web applications. If we want to create web service without spring boot, we have to make many configurations before run it. But if we use spring boot framework, almost all of them are automatically  configure by spring boot. So we don't need to be worry about configurations. Just do coding. And when considering the coding level, It also really lesser than usual java coding.  Just think, with spring boot we can write simple web application using approx: 3-4 coding lines!!!. How efficient that? Here I will create a simple restfull web service using spring boot. I will use Eclipse IDE for this. First start maven project and select quick-start as a arctype. Enter GroupId. You can give any name for that. I will enter mySpringBootProject Enter ArtifactId. This also can be any name. I will enter springBootProject Then click Finish. It will create a s...